Adfin is a fresh company, founded by an A-class team that already bulit multi-billion businesses before in banking and payments, backed by the best tech investors in Europe.

What problem are we solving

Getting paid is time consuming and expensive for both businesses and payers.

Businesses deal with late and unpaid invoices, as payers have no incentives to pay quickly. Chasing late payments and failed direct debits is expensive, while any sort of adjustments, like payment plans, late fees, discounts, require plenty of manual efforts for the business.

At the same time, businesses are paying e-commerce card prices for low risk payments, while struggling to get adoption on lower cost payment methods. And any attempt to reduce cost of getting paid involves configuring and managing multiple vendors and overly-complicated, often impossible reconciliation processes.

How do we solve this

Adfin makes getting paid better for everyone. Our single platform gives businesses - and their accountants - the tools to get paid: faster, cheaper, easier.

Built from the ground up for professional services firms, our platform intelligently manages payment request workflows and payment methods so business don’t have to - giving them the time to build better businesses.

Payment requests, like invoices, can be added to Adfin with zero typing - whether from an accounting platform, another vertical SaaS tool, or even a pdf. Whether the business wants payment up front, via instalments, or recurring, Adfin presents payers with best-in-class experiences which reward them for paying faster. Adfin integrates cards, direct debits and bank payments and intelligently presents the best method to the payer. AI-driven workflows automate credit control. And everything reconciles seamlessly back to accounting software.

Adfin is the best way to get paid: so good, customers love paying.

Who are we looking for

We are looking for a strong Software Engineer (Frontend) to build the most amazing experiences that people and companies ever had.

What to learn more